Wilhelm Groener
- Became Generalquartiermeister (Quartermaster general) of the OHL in 1918
- Joined forces with Friedrich Ebert
- Served as minister in several governments up to 1932
During World War I, Groener organized the transportation of the German army’s troops. After Erich Ludendorff was dismissed in October 1918, he became Quartermaster general, which made him the head of the OHL for all intents and purposes. In this role, he organized the withdrawal of the millions of German troops in the field. At the same time, he tried to promote the military’s interests by influencing political developments. On 10 November 1918, he offered Friedrich Ebert his support. He subsequently managed to defend the officer corps’ standing. In contrast to other military officers, he promoted the view that the Reichswehr’s (Imperial Army’s) proper role was to protect the republic. After resigning from the army, he was appointed cabinet member several times. When he took strong measures against the Nazi Party in 1932, Kurt von Schleicher dismissed him.