November 1920
15 November
The Free City of Gdansk is proclaimed.
[Büttner, p. 776]
The revolutionary drama “Masses and Man” by Ernst Toller premiers in Stadttheater Nuremberg.
[Büttner, p. 777]
16 November
Rioting in Prague following anti-Czech protests by the German-speaking population in Cheb. The riots target institutions of the German minority such as the “Deutsche Haus”, the “Deutsche Landestheater”, and the “Prager Tagblatt”.
[Overesch/Saal, p. 121]
15 - 18 November
First plenary session of the League of Nations takes place in Geneva.
[Büttner, p. 777]
25 November
Artist Paul Klee is appointed to the Bauhaus by Walter Gropius. Prior to this, Klee’s great collective exhibit could be seen in Munich.
[Overesch/Saal, p. 122]