May 1933
2 - 10 May
One day after the “National Labor Day”, which the trade unions mark together with the NSDAP in huge events on 1 May, trade union headquarters are occupied and leading trade union officials are arrested. The trade unions are then replaced by the “German Labor Front” founded on 10 May. Employees and employers are equally represented in this body. With this step the Nazi regime ends the collective bargaining carried out under the system of social partnership and transfers this power to so-called “Labor Trustees”.
[Hildebrand, p. 9]
10 May
In Berlin more than 30,000 books are burned which are classified by the NSDAP as “un-German literature”. Academics and students help organize the book burning. Examples of authors regarded as “un-German” are: Ernst Barlach, Bertolt Brecht, Elias Canetti, Erich Kästner, Thomas Mann, Joachim Ringelnatz, Nelly Sachs, Kurt Tucholsky, Carl Zuckmayer and Stefan Zweig.
[Tofahrn, p. 25-26]