Timeline of the Weimar Republic
January 1928
- Start of the first Reichskonferenz (Conference of the Reich) between the Reich government and the federal state governments.
- Première of Erwin Piscator’s play “The Adventures of the Good Soldier Schwejk”
February 1928
- Wireless, transatlantic radio communication is established
- Winter Olympic Games begin in St. Moritz with German participation
- Dissolution of the “Bürgerblock Regierung” (“bourgeois bloc administration”) under Marx
- German Reich Railways starts operating electric express trains
March 1928
- Reichstag decision to build “Panzerkreuzer A” (“Armored Cruiser”)
- Foreign Minister Stresemann calls for general disarmament
- The Reichstag adopts the budget for 1928
- The Reichsrat calls on the Reich government to postpone the construction of the Panzerkreuzer.
- In Neuwied, Cologne and Berlin, the ban on the NSDAP is lifted
April 1928
- A rocket-propelled automobile is tested on the AVUS (Automobile Traffic and Training Road)
- A Junkers aircraft makes the first east-west transatlantic flight
- Standardized license plates are introduced in Germany
May 1928
- Gains in the Reichstag elections for the left-wing parties
- Gustav Stresemann falls seriously ill
June 1928
- Première of “The Egyptian Helen” by Richard Strauss
- A grand coalition is formed under Reichskanzler Hermann Müller
July 1928
- The Reichstag expresses its confidence in the Müller government
- Kuno von Westarp resigns as party chairman of the DNVP
- The Summer Olympic Games are opened in Amsterdam with German participation
August 1928
- Gustav Stresemann signs the Briand-Kellogg Pact
- Première of Bertolt Brecht’s “The Threepenny Opera”
- At the radio exhibition, television images are publicly presented for the first time
September 1928
- A decision is made in Geneva to begin negotiations on vacating the Rhineland
- The petition for a referendum against the Panzerkreuzer is approved
- The ban stopping Hitler from speaking in public comes to an end in Prussia
October 1928
- Several German companies found Klangfilm GmbH
- Publication of Gerhart Hauptmann’s novel “Wanda”
- LZ 127 Graf Zeppelin completes its maiden flight
November 1928
- Beginning of the Ruhr Iron Strike
- Bayerische Motorenwerke (Bavarian Motor Works) begin producing automobiles
- Publication of Erich Maria Remarque's “All Quiet on the Western Front”
December 1928
- Carl Severing manages to bring an end to the lockout in the Ruhr Iron Strike
- Germany and its reparation creditors agree on appointing a committee of experts