December 1923
7. Dezember
Die sozialdemokratische Regierung in Thüringen hat nach dem Ausscheiden der KPD keine Mehrheit im Landtag. Somit ist das Kabinett Frölich zum Rücktritt gezwungen.
[Overesch/Saal, S. 212]
8 December
The US and Germany conclude a trade agreement that specifies an unconditional, mutual most-favored principle and equal rights for Germany in the international state system. The treaty is symbolic as it marks the beginning of a phase in American foreign policy in which the US is to become increasingly involved in European politics.
[Niedhart, p. 19]
Bertolt Brecht’s drama “Baal” premiers in Leipzig’s Altes Theater, Leipzig. The play is received with harsh criticism and is dropped by order of the mayor.
[Overesch/Saal, p. 212]
10 December
The French occupying forces begin to ease their restrictions. Troops withdraw slowly, convicted persons are released and expulsions are revoked.
[Overesch/Saal, p. 212]
22 December
The DDP politician Hjalmar Schacht is appointed by Reichspräsident Ebert as the new Reichsbank President. In the following months, the leaders of the Reich manage to stabilize the new currency.
[Overesch/Saal, p. 213]