October 1931
6 October
The “Third Decree for Securing the Economy and Finances and for the Purpose of Political Riot Control” is signed by Hindenburg and enters into force. The emergency decree primarily contains unemployment benefit provisions with which the aim was to “buy” SPD toleration of the Reich government.
[Winkler, p. 428]
9 October
At Hindenburg’s request, Brüning’s cabinet is restructured which leads to huge reorganization measures. Unpopular ministers who were often regarded as too left-wing are replaced by candidates who are more right-wing. Defence Minister Groener, for instance, is also given the office of Interior Minister, businessman Hermann Warmbold takes over the Economics Ministry, conservative Kurt Joël becomes Justice Minister, Gottfried Treviranus (KVP) becomes the new Transport Minister and Reichskanzler Brüning himself assumes the office of Foreign Minister.
[Winkler, p. 430]
11 October
At a joint rally in Bad Harzburg shortly before the next Reichstag session, the “national opposition” made up of the DNVP, the NSDAP, and the Stahlhelm forms the “Harzburg Front”. Although there are definitely differences in opinion and antipathies on the extreme right of the group, the representatives from the various camps are united in their common goal of overthrowing the Brüning government.
[Kolb, p. 138-139]
20 October
Première of the sound film “The Congress Dances” in Berlin.
[Büttner, p. 795]