February 1929
9 February
Led by Soviet Foreign Minister Litvinov, the Soviet Union, Poland, Romania, Estonia and Latvia conclude a non-aggression pact, also called the Litvinov Protocol.
[Kolb, p. 356]
11 February
Between February and June the expert committee gathers in Paris to find a solution to the reparations problem. Talks are led by Owen D. Young, an American banker and financial expert who had already been involved in drawing up the Dawes Plan. Reichsbankpräsident Hjalmar Schacht and businessman in heavy industry Albert Vögler are sent to the conference as representatives of Germany. Since both adopt a decidedly nationalist attitude during the negotiations and are sent to Paris with no binding instructions, the negotiations prove difficult. Schacht in particular strays significantly from Stresemann’s cooperative policy of rapprochement when it becomes clear that the payable annuities will exceed the hoped for maximum amount of 2 billion Reichsmarks.
[Niedhart, p. 31]