June 1932
1 June
Center Party politician Franz von Papen becomes head of the new government. Since the Centre Party refuses to tolerate the new “cabinet of national concentration”, Papen announces the day before that he is withdrawing from the party. On the day that the government members are announced, the “Vorwärts” paper labels the new government “the cabinet of barons”. The nobility did in fact have a heavily over-proportional share of representatives with one count, four barons and two members of the lower nobility compared to just three representatives of the bourgeoisie.
[Winkler, p. 478-479]
4 June
On the basis of an arrangement between Schleicher and the NSDAP, Hindenburg and the new government dissolve the Reichstag. This move should ensure that the new government is tolerated by the NSDAP. 31 July is the date established for the new elections.
[Kolb, p. 143]
11 June
The Reich government takes up half an hour of broadcasting time per day (between 6:30 pm and 7:30 pm)
[Büttner, p. 796]
14 June
The new government decides to lift the ban on the SA. This is another concession to the NSDAP.
[Kolb, p. 143]
16 June - 9 July
At the Lausanne Conference, Germany’s total outstanding reparations payments, bar 3 billion marks, are cancelled. Previously an international committee of inquiry had come to the conclusion that Germany would not be able to pay even after the end of the Hoover moratorium.
[Niedhart, p. 37]