Timeline of the Weimar Republic
January 1929
- Television images are aired for the first time in the Vox-Haus.
- Hjalmar Schacht and Albert Vögler are appointed as delegates for the commission of experts in Paris
February 1929
- The Litvinov Protocol is signed
- The committee of experts begins its work in Paris under the direction of Owen D. Young
March 1929
- Despite the government crisis, the Muller coalition government remains in Office
- “Tag des Buches” (“Book Day”) takes place for the first time
April 1929
- The Center Party rejoins the coalition government
- The German delegation submits a provocative memorandum at the conference of the committee of experts in Paris
May 1929
- Bloody clashes between communists and police forces at the May Day Celebrations.
- Carl Severing demands that the Alliance of Red Front-Fighters are banned at federal state level
June 1929
- The Young Plan is signed by the delegates
- A heated debate unfolds in the Reichstag on the terms of the Young Plan
July 1929
- Establishment of the "Reichsausschuss für das deutsche Volksbegehren” (“Reich Committee for the German Referendum against the Young Plan”)
- Raymond Poincaré steps down as head of the government, Aristide Briand becomes new prime minister
August 1929
- NSDAP Reichsparteitag in Nuremberg
- Governments ratify the Young Plan
- The Reich Committee for the German Referendum against the Young Plan publishes a draft bill of the “Freedom Law”
September 1929
- Aristide Briand voices his idea of the “United States of Europe” for the first time in front of the League of Nations
- Publication of Alexander Döblin’s novel “Berlin Alexanderplatz”
October 1929
- Death of Foreign Minister Gustav Stresemann
- Huge stock market crash at the New York Stock Exchange
November 1929
- The initiative against the Young Plan secures the required 10% of eligible voter signatures
- The controversial “Freedom Law” is defeated in the Reichstag during its second reading
December 1929
- Hjalmar Schacht publishes a manifesto on the Young Plan
- Thomas Mann and Hans von Euler-Cheplin receive Nobel Prizes
- The referendum against the Young Plan is decisively defeated