September 1922
15 September
Hermann Hesse’s novel “Siddhartha” is published by S. Fischer Verlag.
[Büttner, p. 779]
17 September
World première of the first sound film “Die Brandstifter” in the Berlin Alhambra-Lichtspielen with integrated optical soundtrack.
[Overesch/Saal, p. 177]
24 September
During a joint party convention of the SPD and the USPD in Nuremberg, a joint action program is adopted. The program had been prepared beforehand and separately confirmed by both parties. This marks the return of the USPD to the Majority Socialists, after having split off from the larger party during the war. It greatly increases the number of SPD members, while significantly decreasing they party’s elbow room. The inclusion of the anti-capitalist members of the USPD makes cooperation with the bourgeois parties difficult during the period that follows.
[Winkler, p. 179]
28 September
Première of Bertolt Brecht’s play “Drums in the Night”.
[Büttner, p. 779]