June 1920
3 June
The commanders of the Reichswehr troops are sworn in on the Reich’s constitution at the Ministry of Defense.
[Overesch/Saal, p. 103]
5 June
Raoul Hassmann and George Grosz hold the First International Dada Fair in Berlin.
[Overesch/Saal, p. 104]
6 June
During the Reichstag elections, the governing parties of the Weimar Coalition (the SPD, the DDP and the Center Party) suffer major losses. This leads to the Weimar Coalition losing its majority in parliament, which still stood at 78% after the National Assembly elections. It becomes considerably more difficult to form a cabinet as the democratic parties have been weakened whilst at the same time the radical and anti-republic parties have grown in strength.
[Kluge, p. 66]
14 June
Sociologist Max Weber dies in Munich. He became known for his work “The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism”. He was one of the founders of the left-liberal DDP and member of the Constitutional Committee in December 1918.
[Overesch/Saal, p. 105]
20 June
The first Landtag elections are held in the newly-established Free State of Thuringia. The bourgeois parties win 27 seats; the two socialist parties, 26. The USPD is the strongest party, with 15 seats. At the same time, the first municipal elections are held in Greater Berlin. With 28.46% of the vote, the USPD scores the highest in these elections too, winning 47 seats. The SPD receives 10.9% of the vote. The strongest bourgeois party is the DVP with 9.6%.
[Overesch/Saal, p. 105]
25 June
One day after the inaugural sitting of the newly elected Reichstag, Constantin Fehrenbach succeeds in forming a bourgeois government consisting of the Center Party, the DVP and the DDP. This is a minority government whose capacity for political action is ensured by the tolerance of the SPD parliamentary group.
[Overesch/Saal, p. 106]