August 1929
1 August
The NSDAP Reichsparteitag is held in Nuremberg. Contemporaries compare the riotous cheers with the spirit of August 1914 (“Augusterlebnis”).
[Overesch/Saal, p. 417]
3 - 31 August
At the conference in The Hague the participating governments agree to adopt the Young Plan. Some of the recipients of the reparations payments, however, request that some amendments are made. These are then prepared in subcommittees.
[Büttner, p. 354]
11 August
On Constitution Day the Reich Committee for the German Referendum against the Young Plan publishes a draft bill against the enslavement of the German people, the so-called “Freedom Law”. The bill rescinds Germany’s sole responsibility for the war, which, it claims, Germany had been forced to admit. It declares the articles pertaining to this in the Treaty of Versailles null and void. Furthermore, all obligations demanded of Germany based on this false allegation are also to be invalidated. Moreover, the Reich government is to work towards repealing the war guilt admission and reparations payments obligations as well as ending the occupation of German territories. The bill envisaged penalties under the criminal code for governments not complying with these maxims.
[Overesch/Saal, p. 418]