November 1928
1 November
The refusal by heavy industry firms in the Ruhr Valley to accept the government arbitration award in the tariff conflict between employers and employees leads to the Ruhr Iron Strike. In the meantime 230,000 employees are dismissed as a result of the tariff regulations. Later both parties involved in the dispute come to an agreement, but the largest conflict to take place between the workforce and their employers shows how precarious the situation is in the lead up to the world economic crisis.
[Kolb, p. 92]
3 November
Bavarian Motor Works (BMW) buys Eisenach car company Dixi-Werke and start manufacturing its own automobiles there.
[Wienecke-Janz, p. 315]
10 November
A preprint of Erich Maria Remarque’s book “All Quiet on the Western Front” is published in the Vossische Zeitung.
[Büttner, p. 788]