February 1928
10 February
Wireless radio communication is established between Germany and the US.
[Overesch/Saal, p. 361]
11 February
The Winter Olympic Games begin in St. Moritz. A German team takes part in the games for the first time since the war.
[Overesch/Saal, p. 362]
15 February
The Marx government is dissolved due to an internal cabinet dispute regarding a bill proposed by Interior Minister von Keudell (DNVP) on reforming the school system. The bill, which is supported by the DNVP, the Center Party and the BVP, grants the churches a say in religious education and envisages equal legal status of christliche Gemeinschaftsschulen (Christian interdenominational schools) and Konfessionsschulen (denominational schools) No agreement is reached in the end due to the DVP’s refusal to approve the bill since they see in this an infringement of Article 146 of the Reich constitution. This Article sets out the primacy of interdenominational or “common” schools over all other school forms.
[Winkler, p. 330-331]
20 February
German Reich Railways begins operating electric express trains.
[Overesch/Saal, p. 362]