Timeline of the Weimar Republic

January 1933
- At a joint meeting Papen proposes a coalition between the DNVP and the NSDAP to Hitler
- Hindenburg refuses to give Schleicher permission to dissolve the Reichstag
- Schleicher resigns as Reichskanzler
- Hitler is appointed Reichskanzler and forms an NSDAP and DNVP government.

February 1933
- Reichspräsident Hindenburg dissolves the Reichstag
- Käthe Kollwitz and Thomas Mann are forced to resign from their posts in the Prussian Academy of Arts.
- Establishment of an auxiliary police formed by SA troops
- Reichstag Fire

March 1933
- The NSDAP fails to achieve an absolute majority in the Reichstag election.
- Joseph Goebbels is appointed Reich Minister of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda
- Day of Potsdam
- The “Law on the “Gleichschaltung” of the Federal States” is enacted

April 1933
- Boycott of Jewish businesses
- The “Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service” and the “Second Law on the “Gleichschaltung” of the Federal States” are enacted

May 1933
- “National Labor Day” celebrations and dismantling of trade unions
- Book burning by the NSDAP

June 1933
- Ban on SPD activity is imposed
- Both the DNVP and the DVP dissolve themselves

July 1933
- Both the Center Party and the BVP dissolve themselves
- The NSDAP secures its hold on political power through several laws
- Signing of the Reichskonkordat (“Concordat between the Holy See and the German Reich”)

August 1933
- The NSDAP “Reichsparteitag” Party Congress is held in Nuremberg

September 1933
- The Nazis support and fund the construction of the Autobahn

October 1933
- The Schriftleitergesetz (“The Editorial Law”) is enacted
- The Reich government withdraws from the League of Nations and announces a Referendum
- The cornerstone of the “House of German Art” is laid