October 1923
1 October
Units from the “Black Reichswehr” in Mecklenburg attack the fortress in the town of Küstrin and in doing so attempt to signal to right-wing forces to begin the planned seizure of power. Many right-wing politicians think, however, that they should not start trying to seize power until after a communist uprising has taken place. This would ensure that the right-wing forces would have the support of the Reichswehr. Accordingly, the attack by the “Black Reichswehr”, which is disorganized and implemented in isolation, remains a failure.
[Büttner, p. 200]
21 October
The Rhenish Republic is proclaimed by separatists in Aachen. However, this initiative remains inconsequential due to the lack of support for it amongst the inhabitants.
[Overesch/Saal, p. 207]
10 - 16 October
SPD and KPD coalition governments are formed in Saxony and Thuringia. They begin to gather together the “Proletarische Hundertschaften” (“Proletarian Hundreds”). Driven by the Comintern, the KPD attempts to use the united front policy in Central Germany in order to provide the starting point for a communist revolution.
[Kolb, p. 54]
29 October
When Minister-President of Saxony, Erich Zeigner (SPD), refuses to disband the “Proletarian Hundreds” and to dismiss the KPD members of his government, formal imperial authority is imposed over Saxony on the basis of Article 48. The government is declared dissolved by decree of the Reichspräsident and Rudolf Heinze (DVP) is appointed Reich Commissioner. On the following day, Alfred Fellisch (SPD) is elected Minister-President. Fellisch now heads a social-democratic minority government that is tolerated by the DDP and the KPD.
[Büttner, p. 203]